Needed: However many racks of ribs you want to smoke my cooker will smoke 32 racks and I use pretty close to a gallon of Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Sauce when I smoke them. I smoke my ribs like I do my chicken in the 225 range. Some folks do all kinds of tricks to their ribs before they put them on the grill but we just put them on membrane side down and we do not remove the membrane.

After one hour we turn the ribs and smoke for another hour. When we turn the meat side up for the 3rd hour of smoking we baste the ribs with Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Sauce and smoke them another hour. Here’s where we really have to be careful. Before we turn the meat side down we baste one more time. Because the sauce has honey in it we only leave the meat side down long enough for the sauce to “caramelize” on the ribs. Once that is accomplished we either take them off or put the membrane side down again.
The way we tell if they are ready to be taken off is with a pair of tongs. Picking the ribs up in the center of the rack look for separation of the bone and the meat and also the rack will feel like it is going to break in the middle. At this point, place the ribs in a long steamer pan and drizzle just a little more sauce on each rack. Cover with foil and let the sauce soak in for 30 minute to an hour or you can use a cooler and wait even longer.