Needed: Hamburger Patties, Cheese Slices, and Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Sauce.
Grill your hamburgers just like you normally do. Right before you put the cheese on the burgers give those burgers a shot of Blowin’ Smoke BBQ sauce. Place the cheese on top of the burgers and let it seal in that great Blowin’ Smoke Flavor! The Cheese of choice for me would have to be Pepperjack!
Blowin’ Smoke BBQ Sauce is great on chicken, ribs, and pork. It is also good on shrimp and salmon. We have fans who use it to make baked beans and add to their vegetable soup. Deer hunters also enjoy using it in a variety of venison dishes.
Blowin’ Smoke Eastern Style is excellent on collard and turnip greens. We also use it when grilling chicken – it is excellent as a dipping sauce.